– Y O U   A R E   C O R D I A L L Y   I N V I T ED –

Hold up. Something’s not right.

“Cordially” sounds perhaps a bit too refined for the likes of us, kindred spirits though we like to imagine ourselves. Picture, instead, an enthusiastic scoop of the hand through the air, a fellow adventurer gesturing as if to say, “C’mon! Come with us!” …and probably a streak of dirt across their face to match the spark in their eyes.

Yep, that’s more like it. This is your official dirt-streaked, spark-eyed “C’mon! Come with us!” invitation.

So, let’s try this again:

–  Y O U   A R E   M U D – F U L L Y   I N V I T E D –

… to join The A.U. Adventure Crew!  This is our daring team of subscribers, who receive our (free) posts in their inboxes as well as our occasional (also free) newsletters.

Our goal in these is never to keep you clicking around or glued to the screen, but rather to provide you with resources and material that you can grab and go. We do our best to provide you with fresh material consistently, but to be up front, we are also, like you, trying to strike that balance between screen time and living time.

To that end, there may be times when more days than we had planned pass between posts. But even then, this site can be your go-to toolbox, standing here for whenever you need to pop in and grab something. And when new tools do arrive? As a crew member (subscriber), it’ll come straight to you, and save you the trip. 😉

So, what say you? Join us, the dirt-smudged and somewhat unlikely adventurers? We’d love to have you as part of the crew! Submit this form, and you’ll be all set. 

Happy adventuring!

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